Saturday, January 21, 2012


BaTRiCe & cO



Contact : Linda_Latip @ lovesbylindalatif.blogspot

ym : poppy_korn

or go thru her Beautkids Photography.Com

67 Kata Mereka:

yong ibu chem said...

wah..ada guestbook lah..

re: zana, b/ground tu aku buat sendirik..edit gmbr dulu guna photoshop. pastu amik link nya,tepek kat kod html..utk templates..ala, yg mcm tutorial aku pernah buat dulu..cuba hang revise kat tutorial tu..tapi tu lah, kalau dah ubah apa2, jgn terus save templates, zana preview dulu..dah puas hati baru save..

Su Hana said...


Anonymous said...


Abang Long said...

Tak faham apa maksudnya...

Iena@MaMaJannah&Rizqi, said...

oraittt...nnati dah nak sampai nonbor 7701 zana miscal kak iena yerk..

☆ lieya latif ☆ said...

wei...aku tak leh sign guestbook ko nie....tempat aku block laaaa slide nieh......hampagas tul

Anonymous said...

best ni....

Re: Zanna kiter sebenarnyer dah tgk Prison Break tuh.. adik kiter download from internet.. cuma x sempat abis lagi...
kiter mmg suka gile citer tuh... ni nanti balik CNY baru nak layan... heheheh

☆ lieya latif ☆ said...

dah2...aku dah sign.....godek2 boleh plak....hi hi hi

PerantauSepi1306 said...

sulah lepas 12 org lorrrr.. ;D

aku said...

akak dah leh masuk blog zana

nanti malam akak buat TAG tu
actually dah buat dah separuh
tp x dan abis
ngantuk ler plok


terlepas hit 77o1!!

Sham Ummi Echa said...

alamak daku da trlepas la..

re : zana..beli jgn x beli kasut tu.. nnt nyesal sumur idup..kang ko x brtenang plak..hehhe..echa pon kaki kapal gak.. kalo ko tgk kasut dia secara live..mst igt kst bdk 4-5 yrs..

zino said...

oops dah terlepas hehe

♫♪Cik Puan Mimi ♫♪ said...

sapa menang hit 7701 tu??

♥ Anje a.k.a Mama_Balqis ♥ said...

hye salam perkenalan, leh kita tukar link jadi friend?

♥Cik Puan♥ said...

zana knp aku xleh tgk no bertuah tue..heheheh

Anonymous said...

wah ade guest book...
ermm...terlepas lg la nk captur no bertuah akak :(

Anonymous said...

terlepas capture!

Mak Su said...

miss ler nombor tu :(

Neeza.Areef said...

zana..nice layout lar..sbb ala2 hijau gitu..i loikeee!

Dee said...

apa yg berubah tgk..ada signature..ada kaler suker..okeylah..cantek gak..

Anonymous said...

simple yet nice..

Linda Latip said...

huhuhu rajen ye..tukar² layout..kalau kami pemalassssss la sgt! tp mmg suke mcm tu aje..putih ajek haha..

alamak..saya dh buh ke lom guestbook ni? naty nk cek smula le..

attyfir said...

rajin zana ...cantek..hah

Ida Raja Idris said...

cantekkkk bangat!!:-)


sangat rajin

ilLa said...

mmg cun la...hehehehe

Unknown said...

saya dah masuk..yea yea.. hehe

Sitie BUm BUm said...

slm terjah..

Anonymous said...

salam pknalan dari orng kluang untuk orng kluang...

jiji najiy said...

hye k.zana
saje jengok2... x )
wah.. siap de guest book tuh

Redbloodsnow said...

vavavava...klass ko kak zanna
siap ade guestbook bagaiii tuhhh


Eazyshop2u said...


Tumpang iklan....

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ima shhs said...

Salam singgah....

Salam perkenalan....

-Sharleenz- said...

perghhh cantik deco rumah.. hehee..

D.O.U.B.L.E...S said...

ingat sapa saya ..jgn lupa2 lagi tau...

joegrimjow said...

bayi comel
mgkin sesuai?

@tune® said...

suke betul die bergaya

Unknown said...

pandai tol anak dara ni berposingggg

Anonymous said...

comelnya adik. selamat berkenalan

mslvoe said...

truja sha tgok ur doter dear :-) insyaALLAH suatu hari nnt pasti ade rezeki buat sha & hubby

zino said...

amboi bukan main bergaya lagi dia.. hehe

en_me said...


Redbloodsnow said...

ek ehhh..lawa la sume pic² tuh. pandai photographer tuh shoot kan

:) model kenit tuh sgt comey okeh. pandai plak die berposing..hehe

Anonymous said...

alamak, guest book tu tak boleh view lah dear....

Diver Mom said...

hi.. :)

ijan@mamasakura said...

comelnya batrice pakai dress tuuu...pakai glasses tu lagi laa...dengan posing maut nyerr....

en_me said...


Dj Epoi said...

Walaweiiiii gilak gambaw2 tuh!!!
Nice Blog...& Salam Kenal untuk Tuan Rumah Kedaun!!

~PakKaramu~ said...

Salam ziarah dari Pak Karamu

zino said...

semakin comel anak dara tu..

Jess said...

Cute... anak kamu

From Jess

white rabbit said...

posing sakan anak dara nih..heheheh...

Sitie BUm BUm said...

cantik gamba2nye

naz ilyn said...

salam kenal... comey dan bergaya.

Unknown said...

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nieda said...


Mak Su said...

sayangnya hari tu di gatsby maksu tak cam muka, kalau tak, tentu maksu akan tegur

Redbloodsnow said...

akak...which one is ur main blog ek. yg nih ker, or the other one ek..hehe. pape pun..salam kenal dear :)

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Anonymous said...

lirik lagu lengkap