(updated :- act......entry nie dah kuar awal tp i x siap edit lg......tenet opis nie mengong ler...jap ok jap x ok........gue tension lorr............so, pd 5 pengomen pertama tu......kalu korang perasan, signature zana pun xde kan tadi.....now i updated yerk entry nie....ha ha ha....ada yg tanya naper i tak tag sesapa erk.....tulah jawapannyer tadi.........tenet mengong........takpe takpe.......nie i nak share tag nie ngan sapa2 yg berkenaan yerk..........jeng jeng jeng.)
Keep this going. Type out the sentence you end up with in the TITLE of your note and tag your friends.Have fun. :D
Pick the month you were born:
January-------I kicked
February------I loved
March--------I karate chopped
April----------I licked
May----------I jumped on
June----------I smelled
July-----------I did the Macarena With
August--------I had lunch with
September----I danced with
October-------I sang to
November-----I yelled at
December-----I ran over
Pick the day (number) you were born on:
1-------a birdbath
2-------a monster
3-------a phone
4-------a fork
5-------a snowman
6-------a gangster
7-------my mobile phone
8-------my dog
9-------my best friends' boyfriend
10-------my neighbour
11-------my science teacher
12-------a banana
13-------a fireman
14-------a stuffed animal
15-------a goat
16-------a pickle
17-------your mom
18-------a spoon
19------ - a smurf
20-------a baseball bat
21-------a ninja
22-------Chuck Norris
23-------a noodle
24-------a squirrel
25-------a football player
26-------my sister
27-------my brother
28-------an iPod
29-------a surfer
30-------a homeless guy
31-------a llama
What is the last number of the year you were born:
1--------- In my car
2 --------- On your car
3 ----------- In a hole
4 ----------- Under your bed
5 ----------- Riding a Motorcycle
6 --------- sliding down a hill
7 --------- in an elevator
8---------- at the dinner table
9 -------- In line at the bank
0 -------- in your bathroom
Pick the color of shirt you are wearing:
White---------because I'm cool like that
Black---------because that's how I roll.
Pink-----------because I'm NOT crazy.
Red-----------because the voices told me to.
Blue-----------because I'm sexy and I do what I want
Green---------because I think I need some serious help.
Purple---------because I'm AWESOME!
Gray----------because Big Bird said to and he's my leader.
Yellow--------because someone offered me 1,000,000 dollars
Orange--------because my family thinks I'm stupid anyway.
Brown---------because I can.
Other----------because I'm a Ninja!
None----------because I can't control myself!
Now type out the sentence you made, write 'em in my comment box and also as the TITLE line and tag your friends in the note!
and tag seterusnya kepada : kak aimi, eija, kak watie, oli and ................ tu ajer.........sila ler jawab yerk korang.........sonang jer tu........keh keh keh....ayat berlagak ko....!!!!!
"I smelled a noddle on your car because Big Bird said to and he's my leader"

16 Kata Mereka:
interestingnya!! naper zana tak tag sesapa??? hehehe...sebok lak akak..
bila zana wat gini baru paham tag ni camne
ko 'i smelled'. aku kena 'i licked'.
hehehe bunyi cam 18sx je..kah kah kah..
hehehehe tak masuk akal jek bunyinye...
musim tag nie mmg tak abis2 kan....nape ko x tag sape2 zana?
tag lagi...cam best tagn nie kan sbb senang...
wah semangatnya nak kene tag ye hehehe...
kelakar kan tag ni..mula2 wanie pun tak faham jugak
tag lagik...tp ok la kan...yg ni kacang jer..
nak pecah peyut aku bacatag ni!
sengal gak ni kan..
hahahaha klakau²..penah bca ni kat blog org..kena kat zana siap ade big bird bagai!
hahahaha lawak tul.. okey akan di usahakan jawab tag nie :) tq
panjangnya tag zanna jawab...!! rajin...
zanna ajarlah kak t cam ne nak import blog ke wordpress.. kena buat mcm import yg mula2 tu ke? ke guna kaedah lain?? kalau zanna click kat wordpress kak t tu.. setakat itu ajelah.. nak transfer entry2 terbaru tu mcm mana? siot je kak t bertanya soalan.. pada mulah aku berharap. .. ehhee..
tag ni mmg kreatifkan .. akhir seklai dpt jawapan hasil cantum2 ayat2 tu kan..
wabak tag tak reda lagik nmpknyer...hikhikhik...k idanyer dh kumpul 3 dh
ko mmg zana... org yg tanya, mesti kena yaa... ish ish.. takpe...bende menariks...akan cepat je dibuat ni... ahaksss....
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